- This event has passed.
November 5, 2020 @ 4:30 am - 9:00 am
Quarterly meeting of the VEPGA Board of Directors. All VEPGA members are welcome to attend.
The virtual election will be held prior to VEPGA’s regularly-scheduled November 5, 2020 Board meeting. Consistent with its Bylaws, VEPGA is soliciting nominations to fill six vacancies on its Board of Directors. Five of these vacancies involve expiring terms for current Board members, all of whom have expressed an interest in continuing to serve. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please notify me, Sandy Harrington, at your earliest convenience but no later than October 28, 2020.
VEPGA’s virtual election process involves several steps. The following are key steps and dates in the process:
- Notice of nominees: On October 29, a week before the November 5 meeting, members will receive an email that includes the Board’s proposed slate of candidates as well as nominations received from members in response to this message.
- Floor nominations: Members may add to the list of nominated individuals by submitting “floor nominations” to me by 4pm on October 30.
- Voting: All candidates for the Board will be listed in a Survey Monkey survey that will be emailed to members on Monday, November 2. Responses to the survey are due Tuesday, November 3 by 4pm.
The virtual election results will be announced at a brief VEPGA business meeting that will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 5. This business meeting will convene immediately before the regularly-scheduled Board meeting.
Meeting materials and further information can be obtained by contacting VEPGA’s Secretary/Treasurer, Sandra Harrington, at sharrington@vml.org or 804-649-8471.